Friday, September 02, 2005

My administrative philosophy?

Well, actually, not really. It's just that I was deleting old (really old) email because I'm running out of room on my faculty email account and found this message that I sent last year to a professional listserv and had completely forgotten. I'm posting here really just as my own aide-memoire for future writing:

I would like to join Carol in suggesting that the dichotomy in the field between "Berlin" (theory) on one side and "Drucker" (management) on the other is not so clear as that. After all, don't Berlin's theories also imply a way of doing work? And doesn't Drucker (or the management guru of your choice) need tempering with some good social consciousness? I would argue that our field has suffered from too often ignoring the "Drucker" that is implicit in our field, but I think it would suffer more from separating the Drucker from the Berlin, from trying to formalize management strategies without committing to ongoing social critique of those strategies.

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