Thursday, April 06, 2006


Wendy Hesford is a guest lecturer on campus today and tomorrow, sponsored by the English Department, Women's and Gender Studies, and several others. She led a cool pedagogy workshop today on critical autobiographical writing, and will do two lectures tomorrow.

And the last few days have been a matter of arranging details, for R. especially, but also for me.

You might say that's why I haven't been blogging. But, really, here I am blogging.

Tomorrow night, I'll ride with R. as she drives Wendy to the airport in St. Louis. Two hours there, two hours back. If it wasn't night, we'd stop at Trader Joe's. But it will be night.

And now that I've given out that bit of exciting information, I think I should sign off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Night Night? Did you know they're open until 9?