Monday, May 29, 2006

The return

I'm still astonished that it takes only 6 hours (or even a little less if there's no stop for throwed rolls) to get from Memphis to Columbia. At any rate, that's all it took, so I was back in town in time to have dinner with C. Simon the Siamese cat sniffed me with interest, as if he couldn't quite remember who I was. Then he remembered, and nipped my ankle. What a sweetheart, eh?

RSA was lovely. Really, one of my all-time favorite conference experiences, I would have to say. Excellent panels, goodly companionship. The one and only previous RSA I attended was in Las Vegas, where I met up with my sisters and niece, who thought the conference was a good excuse for them to vacation there. They attended my panel and reported that they could understand nothing. (When they found themselves in San Antonio during the CCCC a couple of years later, they declined repeating that experience.) Now I realize that I've really been missing out on what is truly a superior conferencing experience and plan to miss no more.

Look for some more entries about RSA, complete with photos, in the next day or two.


Anonymous said...

Dear Donna--after all your "blog-talk," I just had to take a peak and see what I've been missing. this is very mighty indeed.

was great seeing you in memphis and being on a panel with you. loved the t-shirt and the incipience (sp?) idea. can you tell me the name of the author you were working with? haven't read it; know i should.

lil g did twinkletoes when i returned. it was heavenly.

bye for now...lm

Donna said...

Hey Laura! Glad my blog-evangelism worked and got you over here. Brian Massumi is the person who talks about incipience. I'll send an email, too, but hope you continue to drop by here (and elsewhere).