I've been helping out a bit at my local no-kill shelter this summer. And whereas before I wondered how anyone ends up with too too many cats at home, I now understand.
This is Todd, a new kitten at the shelter. Wouldn't you like to adopt him and give him a new name?
We recently got a kitten. Had her about two weeks when we thought it'd be nice if she had a companion. Got another one. They have become the best of friends, spend all their time together, they sleep together, play, etc. Have been wondering whether we should get a third. They're a pleasure to have around.
They *are* a pleasure to have around. And now that I'm networked into the shelter system, I realize how many many need a home. Every time I visit there I want to bring one home. But I have three cats already...still, a fourth might not be so bad, eh? See, it's that kind of thinking that leads to hoarding. But, really, I've known plenty of sane people who have four cats, so . . .
I just found out today that the little guy in the photo is pretty sick with an upper respiratory infection that he got before showing up at our shelter. Everyone send out some good healing energy his way.
And now for a message from Fred:
"Four is the perfect number. Four."
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