Sunday, July 02, 2006

Limpid waters of crucifers

While buying broccoli at the Farmer's Market yesterday, I noticed a pile of deep, deep purple cauliflower next to it. Because I love all blue foods, I had to buy a bunch. I steamed both broccoli and cauliflower up this evening for dinner, and was left with this in the pan after removing the steamer:

teal water 2

The colors here don't really do it justice: an amazingly brilliant teal. If I was into dying textiles, I would have tried it out on some.

1 comment:

laura said...

Donna--this is not a comment about blue cauliflower

which sounds very disconcerting to me

but hope it was yummy

here's the thing i wanted to pass along: there's an article in jaepl on mindfulness and rogerian argument. you may have seen it; if not, seems like something that you might want to check out. see here:
xoxo, laura