Saturday, May 19, 2007

Taking leave

In the Detroit airport, on my way home. My first Computers & Writing Conference was a good time--just the shot of intellectual/collegial interaction/energy I needed after a fairly exhausting semester.

So, thanks to Collin for putting the panel together. Thanks to my fellow panelists. Thanks to the audience, who asked questions that got us talking with each other.

Some other highlights:
* A frenetically energizing keynote by the inimitable Geoff Sirc
* An introduction to Bio Mapping from Scot
* An Ong panel put together by John
* A presentation by Jackie and Jonathan, that included images of lampshade-headed people and Laurie Anderson!
* Excellent conversations, including a most useful one with P
* Breakfast at Toast with D and H
* A visit to the Institute of the Arts, featuring the amazing Diego Rivera mural

A good time, even if a couple of important folks were otherwise occupied outside of Detroit.

[I'll add links later. Gotta board.]
[Update: Links added.]


iLLiaC said...


it was good seeing you in detroit; we'll have to have a couple of cocktails when i'm up your way visiting rebecca this fall.


Donna said...

Hey, Ben--Good to see you, too! Definitely--drinks in Columbia. Looking forward to it!

Anonymous said...

It was great as always to see you. Thanks again for coming to my panel...

Heidi said...

Hi Donna-- cool blog! I'm glad you got to see the Diego Rivera mural. Cheers!

John Walter said...

It was great to see you at C&W. It is my favorite conference. I just wish we could have been on the same plane one last time....

Donna said...

You said it, John. Very, very disappointing.

Donna said...

And thanks for stopping by, Heidi! If it hadn't been for you and Dale pointing out to me just how close I was to the DIA, I would have missed the murals.